Monday, January 30, 2006
Tagged Again!
Seeking Solace / Clare
Pink Cupcake
Queen of West Procrastination
I'm just plodding along
Next select five people to tag:I'll leave in PC's disclaimer: "Oooh, whilst I like being tagged, I know not everyone does. So, it'd be great if any of the following wanted to give this one a go, but please don't worry if you'd rather not."
What were you doing 10 years ago?
At this time in 1996, I was nine years old. So I was living on the acerage west of Edmonton and working on grade 4? Or is it 5??
What were you doing 1 year ago?
I was working as a youth worker, and still living at home
Five snacks you enjoy:
Chocolate anything
Cinnamon buns
Timmy's Honey Cruller
Apple Strudel
Boiled Rasin cookies
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Let's simplify it and say church songs and country songs, b/c I can't pick.
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Pay off my student loan, and then pay for my college
Buy a bed
Support a charity.. I'd have to pick one, though... that's hard.
Take a summer off and go to all the camps
Get a super nice summer home/holiday spot in Victoria.
Five bad habits:
Biting my nails
Hibernating with books
Blanking out
Staying up too late
Five things you like doing:
Spending time with loved ones
Playing stratagy/board games
Reading a good book.
Five things you would never wear again:
This huge ugly brown wool sweater
The pretty blue blouse that is too small for me
The jeans that I ripped a huge hole into last night
This dress that looks like the 80s personified
The tights I threw out this weekend for being baggy
Favourite toys:
When I was a kid, I loved dress up clothes....
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Procrastination 101... This one's for you, Maryanne
"Well," thought I, "this will be fun!" So I googled procrastination, and came up with lots of stuff. Admittedly, some of it was boring, but there was some fantastic (abiet procrastination encouragers rather than procrastination defeaters) stuff. Some of the award winners (in no particular order) are as follows:
- A cute little article by a philosophy instructor on the wonders of procrastination.
- Procrastination and You, which includes a test to measure your procrastination, quotes on procrastination, suggestions for fun ways to procrastinate, and some other stuff. My test results are as follows:
75 out of a possible 100
You rank between the top 25% and 10% in terms of
procrastination. That is, when it comes to putting things off, you often do so
even though you know you shouldn’t. Likely, you are more free-spirited and
spontaneous than most. Probably, your work doesn’t engage you as much as you
would like or perhaps you are surrounded by easily available and more pleasant
temptations. These temptations may initially seem rewarding, but in the
longer-term, you see many of them as time-wasters. Though you likely often still
get your work done, there is probably a lot of last minute panicking and
unwanted stress. You may want to reduce what procrastination you do commit.
- A rather theoratical article about procrastination, that, while admittedly not the wittiest thing you will ever read in your life, has some interesting ideas on the different types of procrastinators out there.
- And then, of course, how can I write a discorse on procrastination without directing you to The Queen of West Procrastination?
Another Quickie
Except.... I still dislike Stephen Harper's hair.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
I have not been doing much this week, just the bare minimum, so I was very proud of myself today. I caught up on my Family Processes Reading- 2 booklets and 1 book. I also did the dishes, showered, and fit a nice long nap into there. Sigh... naps are beautiful.
I am wearing: brown felt-yish pants, belt, and red t-shirt. Actually, that is all Boxing Day shopping items.
Ooops, time to go.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
5 Wierd or Unusual Things about Jen (AKA, me)
1. Whenever my cell phone rings, I think it has a perfect dancing tune, so I waltz towards my phone. In addition, I actually do not know how to waltz.
2. I cannot stand listening to, or have others listening to me, doing their thing in the bathroom. I will always hit the blow drier, and, in cases of a #2, have been known to sit in the stall waiting for the other person in the bathroom to leave so I can complete my business.
3. I enjoy whooping/ cheering. A good "WHOOOOHOOOO!!!!!" is an excellent cheering up method.
4. I have been known to sniff people's shoes when others were wondering if thyey smelled or not. (Incidentally, they didn't smell that bad.)
5.I only like pink nail polish. And only on my toes. I have no idea why I dislike other colors.
I tag Rebekah, Shannon, Stephen, Liam, and Caleb.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
So instead I am bored. There is no movies, books, or TV I want to see. I have phoned some people, but am done that. So, instead, I blog it out, hoping to keep some connection to the world.
Sigh. Hmmm... I think the 70s Show comes on at 9. That could be fun.....
Monday, January 9, 2006
4 things
I just saw this over at Queen of West Procrastination's, and I'm procrasinating...
Four Jobs You've Had In Your Life
1. Library aide (twice)
2. Daycare worker
3. Youth respite worker
4. Volunteered as a tutor
Four Movies You Could Watch Over And Over
1. Walk to Remember
2. Pirates of the Carribean
3. Anything Zorro
4. The Incredibles
Four Places You've Lived
1. acreage at Stony Plain
2. farm at Opal
3. basement suite in Mill Woods AKA Edmonton
4. apartment in Edmonton with Rebekah!!!
Four TV Shows You Love To Watch
1. Gilmore Girls
2. That 70s Show
3. Friends
4. Everybody Loves Raymond
Four Places You've Been On Vacation
1. North Battleford SK
2. Outside Spokane, WA USA
3. Jasper AB
4. Victoria BC
Four Blogs You Visit Daily (But I check more! That's hard.)
1. Amandolyn and Ky
2. Janny's Blog
3. Queen of West Procrastination
4. Becka's blog
Four Of Your Favourite Foods
1. The cassarole Rebekah made last week
2. lasagna
3. anything chocolate
4. anything (nearly) my mom makes
Four Places You'd Rather Be
1. bed
2. back at camp
3. on a date with the love of my life.... too bad his identity is still uncertain
4. Victoria is always fun, I suppose
Four Albums You Can't Live Without
1. ????
2. I dunno
3. You tell me
4. ???
Four Vehicles You've Owned or Co-owned (in reverse order)
1. I'll put regularly drive/ove, never actually owned... '96 Dodge Caravan
2. '95 Dodge Ram
3. '94 Chevy pickup
4. '91 Plymoth Voyager
Thursday, January 5, 2006
The Coolest New Things... For Me, Anyway...
So I was waiting for the bus, and my feet were killing me.... I walked about 50 blocks today in heels. So I made up a song (First coolest new thing). It goes to the tune of Old Smokey.
"On top of these shoes
All covered in boils,
I was waiting
For the 125.
But the bus never came,
And I got gangrene.
And now my feet
Are nothing but green."
The second coolest new thing is what I did to my computer. The sceensaver is now a powerpoint presentation of all of the photos on the computer. So last night, I turned the wait time to one minute, and we watched a slideshow. It was great. While Rebekah slaughtered me at croquanol. (How do you spell it anyway? Ky, do you know?)
You all should try it.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006
I got a job interview!!!
I have an interview as a youth worker Thursday at 11. I'm really excited, and rather nervous as well, since I have never had what I would call a real job interview. Usually, I have always just had the job. So tommorrow I will prepare for it.
It would be really great if everyone could remember to pray for me then, that it would go well, and God's will would be done.
Home Again
This is just a quick note to let all of you who I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to that I am sorry. My ride home informed me at breakfast that I had 20 minutes to pack, and then we left super fast. So, I love you all, and I'll see you later!