Thursday, March 31, 2005

My Day Sucked

My day sucked. I'd like to rant, but most of it is of a confidential and/or personal nature. So... My day sucked. Need I say more?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My Day

Well, I slept in today, cleaned my room (a bit), and did a good deed. My coworker's car broke down so I took her client's home to Radway for her. When I came to the library, I ran into lots of people I know- Danielle, with her clients and busted car, someone I know from the learning center, and Amanda with Anabelle and her other roommate.

I am wearing: My other pair of jeans (also from Wal-Mart), my belt (Wal-mart), and a light purple t-shirt that happens to belong to my sister.

Things yet to do today: Go to work. Today I am taking a client to my house to look at the animals.

What I have been putting off: My paperwork. Yuck, and it is overdue.

What I am doing for my birthday: Likely work (possibly swimming), and hopefully party (no definate yeses (how do you spell yeses?) yet.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Back from Feast

So over Easter, I went to North Battleford for church camp. I was a little sleepy, but overall, not too bad.I had fun visiting with peoples and the services were really good, although I was sitting 3/4 back because Jamie, Kelsey, and I couldn't find a spot to fit us closer up.

So on the last night, a bunch of us (Ky, Lynn, Ian, Robby, Alex, and I) decided to go to Tim Horton's so we all squish in to Alex's car and go, hang out, have fun, exetera. So we are coming out to go back, and I go open Alex's unlocked car door, and say "Get in" cuz I was on the end. Then Alex gives me a funny look, and is, like, "that's not my car". So I look, and sure enough it isn't, so I scream, slam the door shut, and run over to his car.

Obviously, we all had a good laugh at myself. I am such a ditz.

So I've been back for a couple of days and am starting to get into the swing of things again.

In the last 2 days, the productive things I've done are: Go to work (twice)- once to Oddysium, and once to Redwater, finished an orange skirt (I love orange), and done various things online.

I am wearing: Jeans (not even a year old, and already wearing out, I wear them so much), and my sister's pink shirt (I needed a solid color for work today), and damp socks from playing in the snow.

I have also: Made my plan for next year if Grant MacEwan doesn't accept me. I will move to Saskatoon, go to the University of Saskatchewan, and take courses towards a social work degree, to lighten my course load later, and to do 2 things I've always wanted to do: Get on with my life next year (enough hanging around) and to live at Saskatoon at some point in my life.

Things I have yet to do: Clean my room for Friday- my 19th birthday (and party). That is for tomorrow, since I don't work until 5.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Well, I Ought to get Started

Since I went to all the trouble of creating this blog, I figured perhaps it would be a good idea to write something in it. I have to use library computers, but a came to town early today to photocopy 11 copies of my timesheets, so I can get paid this month. The librarian was super nice and gave me a discount. Must've been for the bulk order. Anyway, I'll work on the survey Saryn sent me and put it on here to.

1. First name: Jen
2. Were you named after anyone:Nope, Just the #1 name in the baby name book.
3. Do you wish on stars? Another nope
4. When did you last cry? Sunday, I think
5. Do you like your handwriting: printing, yes, writing, no
6. What is your favourite lunch meat: I'm a peanut butter and honey girl
7. What is your birth date: April 1
8. What is your most embarrassing CD: I don't own many CDs.
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you: I think I would..... but what if the different person that I am was on a different wavelength than me? (I'm a firm believer in wavelengths)
10. Are you a daredevil: not really
12. Do looks matter: as long as we don't repel people, nope
13. How do you release anger: I yell, then I forgive, forget, and wonder why people are mad at me.
14. Where is your second home: North Battleford camp15. Do you trust others too easily: up to a certain point, then i don't trust some people enough-- I'm like Saryn, so I have stolen her answer16. What was your favourite toy as a child: playing dressup
17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless: CTS
18. Do you have a journal: kinda
.19. Do you use sarcasm a lot: yup
20. Favourite Movies: A Walk to Remember
21. What are your (acceptable) nicknames: Jen, Jenny22. Would you bungee jump: I'd love to, but I am too chicken23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off: .no
24. Do you think that you are strong willed: with people I am close to, yes
. 25. What is your favourite ice cream flavour: neopolitan26. Shoe size: 7-827. What are your favourite colors: orange
28. What is your least favourite thing about yourself: Oh boy.... I wish I were more outgoing and personable (does that make sense?)
29. Who do you miss most: my friends
32. What are you listening to right now: librarians talking
33. Last thing you ate: sandwich
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be: orange
35. What is the weather like right now: sunny with lots of snow
36. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: Derek- one of the other youth workers about who's giving which kids a ride tomorrow
37. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Looks, cuz I'm not blind, but the 2nd thing (personality) is more important, and the 3rd thing (relationship with God) is the most important
38. Do you like the person who sent this to you: Sayn, I love you!!! See you Friday morning
40. Favourite Drink: juice
41. Favourite sport: throwing a frisbee
42. Hair Color: It is brown
43. Eye Color: hazel
44. Do you wear contacts: no
45. Favourite Food: 2 many 2 count
46. Last Movie: Shark Tale, will rent Incredables tonight
47. Favourite day of the year: New Year's
48. Scary Movies or Happy Endings: Happy endings
49. Summer or winter: spring
50. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
51. What is Your Favourite Dessert: Saskatoons
52. Where Would You Want to go on your Next Vacation: to Feast
53. What Books are you Reading: Bible
54. What's on your mouse pad: library mumbojumbo
57. What did you Watch Last Night on TV: That 70s Show
58. Favourite Smells: food cooking
59. Rolling Stones or Beatles: Beatles
60. What is your favorite cd? Wow Worship ones
61. What's the furthest you've been away from home: Pinelow (Spokane)

Yipes, that is messed up, but I gotta go, so I'll fix it later. Toodles.

(I have now fixed it, much better)