Thursday, April 28, 2005

It's been a few days...

Well, I've been keeping busy. My dad is home this week and keeps wanting some help outside. He is trying to build a sheep shed this week. I have also endured through a rather yucky situation at work, which hopefully after tomorrow will be all cleared up (Yay for coworkers!)

I've started on some new projects (why do all my projects involve so much paperwork?) I am:
1. Applying for scholorships to hopefully reduce the size of my student loan by a sizable amount. I need ~$10 000 for next year, and I am nowhere near that amount.
2. Starting to look for a cheap but nice place to rent in Mill Woods (SE Edmonton) next year. Doesn't look like their are any roomies available, too bad.
3. Trying to keep up on my own paperwork from work. I was SO proud of myself on Tuesday- I was COMPLETELY cought up-- but now I'm behind again. :(

This weekend, the young people are coming out to my house to do some work for my dad- we're going to make a bonfire pile. After that we are having supper and young people's. Then the girls are having a sleepover at Kelsey's.

I have just finished writing an essay for a 4H scholorship- about safety in the home and farm. I narrowed mine down to be aimed at parents with young children.

I am also working more hours at work- full days on Tuesdays (I'll be in Newbrook) and Fridays, which, of course, means more money (yay!). Hopefully I'll be able to start saving up more (why can't I? This is rediculous.)

I am wearing: jeans, runners, and my 100% Canadian. EH! shirt.

I am happy because: I have discovered a new shampoo. My mom accidentally bought the wrong kind and told me to use it up, and now my hair is nice and unfizzy.

I am relieved because: I won't have to face an irate parent alone- as it happens, my coworker and I are going together.

I am annoyed at myself because: I kept forgetting my papers at home, and thus, my paperwork will be late (again) because it is unsigned.

I cheered because: When filling out my timesheets I discovered that for the month of April I passed the $1000 gross income mark. May 30 (when I get that money), here we come!!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Here’s a blog meme called the CD mix challenge, to which I got off of Janice's blog (Yay Janice!) In Blogspeak, a meme is an idea that is shared and passed from blog to blog, like a question posted in one blog and answered in many other blogs. So here’s the challenge:

From your own musical background, construct a CD song list in the following format:

1) A favorite political track. Battle of New Orleans by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
2) One of those tracks that make you dance on the dancefloor no matter what. Ready to Run by the Dixie Chicks
3) The song you’d use to tell someone you love them. You Say It Best When You Say Nothing At All by Allison Krauss
4) A song that has made you sit down and analyze it’s lyrics. Independance Day by Martina McBride
5) A song that you like, that a two year old would like as well. The Barney Song by... Barney?
6) A song that gives you an energy boost. Every Little Thing by Hawk Nelson
7) A song that you and your grandparents (would probably) like. Let Them Be Little by Billy Dean
8) A song that you really liked when you were 14-16, and still really like now. Leaving on a Jet Plane by John Denver
9) A sad song that would be in the soundtrack of the movie about your life. Cry by Mandy Moore
10) A peppy song that would start the opening credits of the movie about your life. I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack
11) A good song from a genre of music that no one would guess that you liked. She's Not Just A Pretty Face by Shania Twain
12) A song that you think should have been playing when you were born. Only Yours by Mandy Moore
13) A favorite artist duo collaboration. I dunno, If I figure it out, I'll add it.
14) A favorite song that you completely disagree with (politically, morally, commonsenically, religiously etc.) Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter
15) The song that you like despite the fact your IQ level drops several points every time you listen to it. Let's Get Retarted in Here by Black Eyed Peas
16) Your smooth song, for relaxing. Jesus, You're The Sweetest Name of All by Tommy Coomes
17) A song you would send to someone you hate or are mad at. Anything from Dora, a little kids TV show that is millions of times worse than Barney
18) A favorite track from an outfit considered a “super-group.” Concrete Angel by Martina McBride
19) A song that makes you reminsce about good times with a family member. Where I Come From by Alan Jackson
20) Your favorite song at this moment in time. He Knows My Name by Tommy Walker

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I dithered to the very end...

Well, when I saw Bonnie today to tell her my answer, I told her I was still dithering. So we sat down, and crunched numbers, increased my hours with some kids, and got me with about the same money as the more boring option. Seriously, hanging out with someone else at their job is very boring. So I have chosen option number one.

We didn't stay in the city last night with Saryn, she had to work. We are planning on doing it again tonight. I felt rather useless volenteering today. There were more adults than kids there. 'Twas quiet. I am working on the song thing, but man is it ever hard! Good job to those who managed it so quickly.

I am wearing: jeans, heeled shoes (I feel hot in them- shoes make or break an outfit, don't they?), and a blue t-shirt.

Today, I have:

Eaten: corn flakes and a glass of milk, I am actually rather hungry
Accomplished: Decided the course of the summer, Volenteering, Internet stuff, and talked to Saryn
Not yet accomplished: Work (kid to park and tutoring), Paperwork, seeing Saryn

The next decision on my agenda: Where will I live next fall? Any ideas, feel free to offer them. I welcome suggestions.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My weekend

Well this weekend Edmonton had lots of visitors. Ian and Angela and Saryn were all here. On Sunday, a bunch of us went out for lunch to Burger Baron, then Laura and I hung out in Saryn's hotel room. It is one of those shmansy (one of my made up words- fancy) places downtown with an actual bellboy type person in the lobby. Tonight, after I'm done work, we are going into Edmonton to have a sleepover with Saryn.

Before that, Saturday night I was going to my car after young people's and I realized I'd left my keys in the locked car. So instead of going home, Laura and I stayed overnight at Hofer's. So we had fondue with Julie and Jenna before going to bed. I had an excellent weekend.

I am still dithering (my new favorite word) about what to do for the summer. I have a choice: money, or experience/fun. Right now money is looking good (I'm nearly broke), but theother job is way more amusing.

Oh well, a few more hours to crunch time.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Choices, Choices...

So I just came from talking to my boss, and I have a choice on what to do for the summer. I can either:

1. Work with 4 boys: a 9 yr old who was my first kid to work with (I like his mom), a 4 year old I started with last week (His mom is nice, though we aren't on the same wavelength- I'll write about my wavelength theory one of these days) (Did I write about him? One of the stubbornest kids I've ever met- one of the twins.), a 5 year old I'm meeting tomorrow whose mom is supposed to be really nice, and a grade 8 kid I don't know whose mom is supposedly a pain in the neck ( none of the workers want to deal with her, but I can charm adults really easily). 35 hrs a week, lots of driving, more working with the other workers.


2. Work with one 17 year old boy that I am already tutoring. I'll be helping him get a job and hanging out at his work. (There is a job open at Coral's chicken farm...) After work I have to find other stuff to do. He doesn't really talk much to me, but he is polite and always opens the doors for me. I'm one of the older workers, lot of the workers are his age, so they would be inappropriate to work with him, which is why it is offered to me. This choice has less stress, less paperwork, and less driving. 40 hrs a week, more working away from everyone else, which is what I've been doing so far.

So I have til Wednesday to choose. With both options, I will stop working with the kid I am with the most. His behavior is going downhill, so he will go with his overnight worker, which is a relief. Some days I am convinced this kid doesn't like me. Whichever option I don't take, another worker for just the summer will do. I get first pick because I have seniority. (I've never had seniority before, that is really cool.)

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Not much is going on today.

I am wearing: jeans, belt, stripey t-shirt, jean jacket, sandels, no socks

I am happy about: Ummmm...... Oh, my cat was adorable this morning. She kept walking from the fence onto my shoulder, purring and demanding attention while I was doing up a gate.

I am not happy about...... The ache in my back and the cow busting down the fence.

Songs stuck in my head..... Some piano ditty they are playing at the library.

What I want to accomplish today..... I want to get one of the kids I work with to make a resume.

What I have accomplished today..... Chores, so nearly squat all.

Wow, I have just read this over, and, man, I totally sound glum. I'm not as much glum as... meloncholy (Did I even spell that right?) Oh well, more later.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I got in!!!

So yesterday I went to pick up the mail, and guess what? There was a letter from Grant MacEwan, and I got into the social work program! Now that I'm in, I just have to worry about all the practical stuff- where to live, a bit of paperwork, and how to pay for it all...

But for now I won't worry about that. I already paid my deposit, so I am all good that way. I'm just going to float on the aura of success for a little while...

Friday, April 8, 2005

It went "poof!"

So I wrote out this huge blog, and then I accidentally pushed Save as Draft instead of Publish, the link didn't work, and poof, it was gone.

So sad. Anyway, what did I write?

I ran into Zac yesterday at Mac's when I was getting a slurpee (Yes, everyone, slurpee weather has offically arrived!!!)

I didn't work today, I got a rare day off. I was planning on volunteering this morning, but my bed was so warm and comfy, and my house was cold..... you get the idea. So instead I lazed around, did chores, went to the library after forgetting to eat lunch, got my sister from school, then came to this library to reblog. Oh, and I paid my bill at a little shop in town.

I'm pretty busy tomorrow, I'll be with lots of clients, though a different girl is planning for 2 of them, and the third I'm taking him to a church group for kids, so they plan the second half of it. I believe I'm painting with him for the first half.

This weekend, the girls have rescheduled our girl's night. No idea what we are doing though. In YPs now, the idea is that the first weekend of the month is boys/girls seperate, second is fun, and the other two or three are Bible studies. This is good, because I don't know how long it's been since we did fun stuff at YPs.

You know, I think I have covered all the basics, Let's hope I don't lose it again...

OK this is the next day, and guess what? It did go poof yesterday! But Blogger saved it for me. Yay!

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

My dayplanner is confused....

So for today, in my dayplanner I had from 4-8 working with one of my kids. The it turned out that I couldn't, because paperwork hadn't come through yet. (Not mine, someone else's.) So I erased it. Then I planned volenteering, and getting Laura from the library. Then I was at volenteering, and my mom phoned, and they need me to work at the daycare from 2-6. So I went home, had lunch, and came to a different library, cuz I'll get to the one my sister will be at just as it closes, so I won't get any computer time there. Wow, my plans have changed a lot today.

It is a good thing I work at the daycare, though, otherwise I wouldn't be making any money today, and I didn't make any yesterday either.

I got an e-mail saying that we are having another girl's YPs by ourselves. Last weekemd, the girls planned on minigolfing, but then the boys joined us on our girls outing. Bit wierd, eh?

P.S.- I was reading this after I published it and realized- Wow, That sounds hectic.- Don't worry, it's not really.

Monday, April 4, 2005

Well, I had my birthday. My last day of being 18 sucked, but I'm doing better now. Amanda and Kent from the Bible school came to my place and we hung out and played Balderdash and the watched The Cinderella Story. I went shopping yesterday, and bought clothes.

I don't know of what else is up with me besides work related stuff... which is going fairly well, though I can't work with one of my clients- no contract from government=no money, but things are finally rolling to get 3 more kids- with another worker. And my paperwork is all done... Yay!

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you

My sentence is: (Well, there are only 2 sentances, it is the end of a chapter, so I'll write the second one...) It didn't occur to me until I reached the courtyard that I'd forgotten all about his shoulder. From: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

Her books are awesome, lengthy, but awesome.

Friday, April 1, 2005

I'm better now...

Yay! I have comments. That must mean my blog is actually being read. I'm not one of those people that says no comments, no blog; but it is nice to get them anyway.

And my birthday party is not completely being dissed, Amanda and Kent are planning on coming.

And my problems at work will be dealt with. We're having a meeting Monday.

And our sheep that prolapsed herself (shoved everything out... y'know...) is doing OK, and the vet was nice on the fees.

I am 19. Wow, I feel old... my teen years are almost over.....

Happy birthday to me.....