Thursday, April 28, 2005

It's been a few days...

Well, I've been keeping busy. My dad is home this week and keeps wanting some help outside. He is trying to build a sheep shed this week. I have also endured through a rather yucky situation at work, which hopefully after tomorrow will be all cleared up (Yay for coworkers!)

I've started on some new projects (why do all my projects involve so much paperwork?) I am:
1. Applying for scholorships to hopefully reduce the size of my student loan by a sizable amount. I need ~$10 000 for next year, and I am nowhere near that amount.
2. Starting to look for a cheap but nice place to rent in Mill Woods (SE Edmonton) next year. Doesn't look like their are any roomies available, too bad.
3. Trying to keep up on my own paperwork from work. I was SO proud of myself on Tuesday- I was COMPLETELY cought up-- but now I'm behind again. :(

This weekend, the young people are coming out to my house to do some work for my dad- we're going to make a bonfire pile. After that we are having supper and young people's. Then the girls are having a sleepover at Kelsey's.

I have just finished writing an essay for a 4H scholorship- about safety in the home and farm. I narrowed mine down to be aimed at parents with young children.

I am also working more hours at work- full days on Tuesdays (I'll be in Newbrook) and Fridays, which, of course, means more money (yay!). Hopefully I'll be able to start saving up more (why can't I? This is rediculous.)

I am wearing: jeans, runners, and my 100% Canadian. EH! shirt.

I am happy because: I have discovered a new shampoo. My mom accidentally bought the wrong kind and told me to use it up, and now my hair is nice and unfizzy.

I am relieved because: I won't have to face an irate parent alone- as it happens, my coworker and I are going together.

I am annoyed at myself because: I kept forgetting my papers at home, and thus, my paperwork will be late (again) because it is unsigned.

I cheered because: When filling out my timesheets I discovered that for the month of April I passed the $1000 gross income mark. May 30 (when I get that money), here we come!!

1 comment:

LynnieC said...

Hey Jen!! I realize that I haven't emailed you a congratulations for getting in to the program you wanted. So HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!