Thursday, September 29, 2005

I hibernated for two days...

So for a couple of days I went into hiding. I was on a reading binge.

Yup, only a few short hours after A Breath Of Snow and Ashes came out, I owned it. I must have been one of the first done it. It was so, so, so good!

Now come the consequences.

I have done no homework. It is overtaking me! Aaaahhh!!!! Run!!!!! It's the homework bomb!!!!

I rally ought to get to it- but I have done a fair bit today. I went throuh a big list of jobs at placement- programing, ect., I went to see Jamie's basketball game (which she won, yay Jamie!), I cleaned my room, and am starting my laundry.

See? I'm not that bad. Now to attack the homework bomb...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Meme Theme...

Things I Don't Like That I Probably Should:
Hot chocolate, tea, coffee, most seafood, most raw vegetables, any and all Lord of the Rings, Hanging out in large crowds, likely more

Things I like that I know I shouldn't:
That 70s Show, romance novels, Christian rock, spending hours on MSN, McChicken meals, likely more

P.S.- Has anyone from Saskatoon heard of the possibility of you all and Calgary coming to Edmonton for Halloween? Us Edmontonians are confused.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Guess What?

So, guess what?

If any of you have seen my MSN name lately you may have a clue.

I'm getting a roommate!

That's right. My lonely existance, at home, holed up in my room, all the time, has a light at the end of the tunnel.

Rebekah is moving to Edmonton! We'll be roomies.

Not in the same place I have now, though. We'll get a new place.

It'll be so much fun!

Friday, September 23, 2005

The picture


So, I am supposed to be working on my self-disclosure journal for one of my social work courses, but I have little inspiration, so I'll do this instead.

I have been waiting for this book for forever! And guess what? It comes out on Tuesday!!!


That is right, everyone. Diana Gabaldon's latest, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, comes out on Tuesday. And even though I have no time to read it, and little money to buy it with, I WILL buy it. On Tuesday. And I will read it, too.

Of course, that is precisely why I should get to work. I won't have time to do the assignment next week...

Monday, September 19, 2005

Fun With Buses

Here is an inventory of all the buses, and my reasons for being on them, so far today:
65- to school. Went through a deathly boring sociology class.
Not sure of Number- to Mall, dropped off library books.
65- Went home via school.
64- Went back to the school to get onto bus
8- to go for my interview on the other side of town. Got off in close to my place because I got a call, cancelling the interview. Ran for bus
74- Back to school.
65- Went home.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Is There a Princess of Procrastination?

If so, I am she.

Things I am currently procrastinating from:
  • Lunch- I am too lazy to go to the kitchen, and I am already in that slightly fuzzy stage that tells me I have to eat.
  • Studying- I got tired of thinking about ethics. What can I say?
  • Taking care of those KD leftovers- In fact, now I even have Sidekicks Pasta leftovers, half a jar of peaches, 3/4 a jar of saskatoons, and... I think that's it.
  • Going to the bank- I need to activate my new ATM card so I can...
  • Buy envelopes- so I can mail a letter.
  • Taking out my gabage- Not too much more will fit into it. (Or the kitchen one either. I guess I'll have to take care of it, even though officially it isn't my responsibility.)
  • Laundry- I'll likely run out of clothes again before I do it.
  • And I'm certian there is more....

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Jen's Adventures in Cooking

Tonight I was inspired to cook something a little special for myself, a nice little treat.

So, I took the ham steak out of the freezer and defrosted it. I got out the trusty KD and then realized my 2- burner stove would be a bit crowded with a pot and a frying pan, so I decided to do it microwave style.

I really got into puttering around my kitchen. I even opened a big juice jug to be extra special. I set the table, all the while, following my directions ever-so-carefully.

The end result?

It left much to be desired. My steak hadn't defrosted properly, so it was tough in the middle, plus I had had the heat on too high, and scalded it. A word to the wise: Don't nuke KD. It was hard and tough and chewy, unlike the normal wonderful stovetop method.

So, I ate it. Unfortunately, I still have half the KD as leftovers, which I am too frugal to throw away. Perhaps, tomorrow night, I should make something nice to go with my leftovers.

I also took a break from studying today (well, I did study too, just not a lot). I read a cute little Love Inspired book, and really enjoyed myself. The break from the textbook was nice.

I am wearing: my flannel purple PJ pants with snowmen on them, my pink shirt (still on from church), a dove necklace, a white, blue, and pink cardigen, black socks, and blue slippers.

Tomorrow I am planning to: Go to my sociology class, demand to find out what my placement is, visit David in the hospital by my house, take back a library book, buy milk, possibly see my mom and grandpa, and study.

Yay! Q's!

Your most marked characteristic? Ummm.... Do they mean physical characteristic? Or do they mean personality? Well, I'll assume they mean physical, and so I'd say.... ummmm... that my hair is brown? It's not like I have a huge disformity, like a huge lumpy nose.

The quality you most like in a man? I like gentlemen.

The quality you most like in a woman? I like people who look for the good in people and who can laugh at themselves.

What do you most value in your friends? Goodness, this is like class, being asked hard questions all the time. I value each one's uniqueness.

What is your principle defect? My crooked arm. (I took that one physically too.)

What is your favorite occupation? Social work, of course. (That one was easy.)

What is your dream of happiness? This one is harder... I don't know.

What to your mind would be the greatest of misfortunes? To lose your entire family in a car accident, or fire, or something.

What would you like to be? Why not what I am?

In what country would you like to live? CANADA!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!

What is your favorite color? orange.

What is your favorite flower? I really don't have one.

What is your favorite bird? Once again, I don't know.

Who are your favorite prose writers? Diana Gabaldon. (That was another easy one.)

Who are your favorite poets? I dislike poetry.

Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Jamie Fraser

Who are your favorite heroines of fiction? Elastigirl

Who are your favorite composers? The only one I personally know- Lane.

Who are your favorite painters? kindergarten kids do an excellent job.

Who are your heroes in real life? Jesus, He's the only one we should idealize.

What is it you most dislike? I dislike lots of things, such as eggplant, people throwing their differences in your face, running, colds, and snobs.

What natural gift would you most like to possess? Either musical talent (violin or piano) or artistic ability

How would you like to die? In my sleep when I am very, very, very old with no pain or illness

What is your present state of mind? I'm thinking about my congested chest, and my cold nose.

To what faults do you feel most indulgent? In myself? Or others? In myself, procrastination. In others, messiness.

What is your motto? Motto.... odd, I've never thought of it before. I'll get back to you on it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

I'm an idiot...

So I just logged onto MSN Messenger, and I was like, Yay! Ky's on!

(Ky is likely wondering why she has no idea what I am talking about.)

Anyway, I started chatting to her and I find out that it (gasp!) isn't Ky.

For months, whenever I have sent Ky an e-mail it has not reached Ky.

It has reached some girl in Ontario.

I have since corrected the problem, of course. (Not enough m's).

However, I am still humiliated.

Friday, September 2, 2005

I've been disillusioned...

So, last night, I decided to get a head start on my reading for class and read one chapter for class. It was 20 pages long, not that bad, right?

Ha! It took me two hours! I can usually finish a BOOK in two hours! I highlighted stuff, resisted distraction (That part was supremely difficult), and discovered that underneath all the big words and complex sentance structure, there was some valuable information on basic themes of being a social worker.

Normally I am not one to complain about big words, or complex sentance structure, so I know it was hard.

This morning I realized I didn't remember any of wht I'd written, so I typed up the highlighted parts, and got 4 pages. This time it made more sense, so it looks like I'll have to do that for nearly everything. Sigh.

People did warn me college would be tougher than high school....

Thursday, September 1, 2005

All Different Now

Well, I shall try to list the changes that have occured in the last week:

1. I am unemployed.
2. But it is not a bad thing bcause I am a student.
3. I moved out.
4. I got a cell phone.
5. I got a new purse.
6. My computer is hooked up.
7. I no longer drive, instead I use public transit or walk (good thing too, with gas prices these days).
8. I actually can't think off another one at the moment. But it will come to me. Odd...