Thursday, September 15, 2005

Is There a Princess of Procrastination?

If so, I am she.

Things I am currently procrastinating from:
  • Lunch- I am too lazy to go to the kitchen, and I am already in that slightly fuzzy stage that tells me I have to eat.
  • Studying- I got tired of thinking about ethics. What can I say?
  • Taking care of those KD leftovers- In fact, now I even have Sidekicks Pasta leftovers, half a jar of peaches, 3/4 a jar of saskatoons, and... I think that's it.
  • Going to the bank- I need to activate my new ATM card so I can...
  • Buy envelopes- so I can mail a letter.
  • Taking out my gabage- Not too much more will fit into it. (Or the kitchen one either. I guess I'll have to take care of it, even though officially it isn't my responsibility.)
  • Laundry- I'll likely run out of clothes again before I do it.
  • And I'm certian there is more....

1 comment:

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Oh, Jen. Do you know how cute you are? I've had days like that. Oh, I know.