Friday, September 2, 2005

I've been disillusioned...

So, last night, I decided to get a head start on my reading for class and read one chapter for class. It was 20 pages long, not that bad, right?

Ha! It took me two hours! I can usually finish a BOOK in two hours! I highlighted stuff, resisted distraction (That part was supremely difficult), and discovered that underneath all the big words and complex sentance structure, there was some valuable information on basic themes of being a social worker.

Normally I am not one to complain about big words, or complex sentance structure, so I know it was hard.

This morning I realized I didn't remember any of wht I'd written, so I typed up the highlighted parts, and got 4 pages. This time it made more sense, so it looks like I'll have to do that for nearly everything. Sigh.

People did warn me college would be tougher than high school....

1 comment:

Queen of West Procrastination said...

Welcome to college. It gets better -- I know you'll get the hang of things soon enough.