Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Locks hate me

Just as an odd little tidbit about me, locks hate me. My dad had had to replace the lock and/or doorknob on his door more times than I can count, all on account of me.

Well, today the curse struck again. At work today, I broke multiple locks. They all just fell apart in my hand!! So then I'd have to get pliers to reattatch them, and get my coworker to take a look at them.

So, what lesson do we learn from this? Jen should never become a locksmith.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Someone, give me something too do!!!

I am at work. However, since yesterday afternoon, no one has had anything for me to do. So I am hanging around, passing time. I'll give it a couple more hours, and then go home. I have mainly been keeping entertained on blogthings, but even that is starting to wear thin.

I hate being paid to do nothing. Why, oh why, didn't the manager leave me a list of stuff to do???

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Likable Things and Good Qualities and Neat Quirks About Jen

  • the way she tries to see the positive things in all situations- she looks for the silver linings.
  • the way she puts those sayings in her language and the way she makes anolagies
  • the way she puts other people's concerns before her own
  • the way she likes to mentor people younger than herself
  • the way she listens to other people's stories, even when she has stuff she wants to talk about
  • her interesting sense of humor- somewhat ironic, sarcasic, and quirky
  • the way she gets all the dirty jokes before anyone else
  • the predictable mannerisms that are amusing
  • the way she keeps on trying to be included, even when it ends up in failure and she gets hurt
  • the way she can't hold a grudge
  • the way she can help people cool down quickly when they are irate
  • the way she helps people who are sad feel better and special
  • the way she is tolerant of other people's shortcomings
  • the way she tries to make other people feel included
  • the way she can look hot without even bothering with makeup and jewellery
  • the way she doesn't care when she doesn't look hot
  • the way she can look hot while being modest
  • the way she tries to not be a bother
  • the way she attempts to not humiliaate herself, and yet at the same time doesn't mind making a fool of herself
  • the way she can give good advice, even when it goes against what she would privately like
  • the way she loves babies and kids and animals
  • the way she is careful about the amount of physical attention happens with her
  • the way she endeavors to use correct grammar on msn
  • the way she is fast to volunteer to do things for others
  • the way she sucks at sports
  • the way she loves playgrounds
  • the way she rarely gets mad
  • the way she has 'jenisms'- toodles, thingamajiggerbob, ginormous...

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I am sick.

I woke up this morning unable to swallow cuz it hurt so bad, with a headache, lethargic, with gunk in my lungs, and alternately, a fever or chills.

Can I hibernate until this is over?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Quick Questionaire

1) What is the best line ever from a song?

Wow, this is so hard!! I love so many songs, and they all fled my head at this exact moment! (Plus, I am eating some cookies that Kelly and I made, and they are fabulous!) The only lyrics I can think of, which I really like, are "Butterfly girl, don't you know you're beautiful by now? Come out of hiding. Butterfly girl, it's time to spread your wings and show your colors to the world. Butterfly girl."

2) From a movie?

Wow this is even harder! (These cookies are amazing, you guys. Double chocolate chip.) I can't think of any. Can you give me suggestions?

3) What color underwear are you wearing right now?

I am wearing boring white Hanes Her Way underwear. The rest of me is more interesting though. I am also wearing jean, a pale green shirt, white an blue striped socks, and black slip on shoes. (I forgot my runners at the farm this weekend.)

4) What book is currently on your nightstand?

This is going to be a shocker, I know, but... there is no book on my nightstand. I just don't seem to have time to read or go to the library anymore.

5) Are you living up to your potential?

Is anybody? These cookies are, though.

6) I can't wait to....

Fall in love and get married.

7) Your major in college?

Social work.

8) Plans for this weekend?

My dad wants me to go home to the farm and help him with some roofing this weekend. There may also be a possibility of world waterpark.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Walking Things

I am never going to complain about heat ever again. (Wait. I take that back, as that would be a lie.) Anyways, irony hit my life in that as soon as I complained about the heat, I was sent to a store that I had to walk about 10 blocks to get to after I got off the bus. This, of course, is the time it decides to pour rain for three solid days. I was terrified of getting splashed by cars while walking. I also wore three jackets to keep the rain and cold away from me. Then, as soon as I am done at that store, it gets sunny and warm again.

Today, while walking (with only one really nice jacket), I got horn tooted at twice and whistled at once. I am unsure what to think of this. I mean, firstly, it is a compliment. Some people think I am pretty. Then, of course, it is an insult. I mean, I am a person, people, not an object. Then, I wonder why it is only strangers that think I am hot. I really would appreciate it if people would keep their rude compliments to themselves, to let me avoid all of this circular thinking.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Hot... so hot....

I am melting....