Monday, October 24, 2005

Yay for scientific accuracy

So, I am working on my psychology assignment. Or rather, procrastinating from it. I am hving rather a lot of difficulty, as it is a Weetags experiment. (Weetags are little stick figures and there is a characteristic that makes them a weetag, and then you have to figure out which ones are and aren't).

So, anyway, we were supposed to foister this on an innocent child, ask them questions, and write it up as a scientific experiment. And we have to make up our own research question and hypothises.My problem is the person I was going to get to help me after church on Sunday had to leave really suddenly, before we could sit down to do it. And I'm not going to see another child until it will be overdue.

So where does this leave me? You guessed it. I am making up the results of the experiment.

Sad, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I googled " weetags' because i'm doing the same psych assignment. I also took social work and then switched to Education..