Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Another Post...

OK, so Saskatoon is a no-go. Oh well. I'd have been there when lots of people were going to Pinelow.

In other news, I CAN cook!!! Hazzah! I shall not starve after all next month and the years afterward! I shall simply eat Chef Boyardie (no idea on how to spell that, sorry.) What can I say? They make awesome ravioli.

I have also officially decided that the cutest part of a horse is the nose. It is so soft and felty, and the easiest place to touch. The nose it is.

As well, apparently people I don't know like my blog. I didn't know that people I don't know even read blogs.

More later....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, i had some random person comment on my blog once... it was weird...
congrats on being able to cook!! i should send you a gold star ^_^

btw, the song is "My Front Porch Looking In" by LoneStar