Friday, October 21, 2005

I was a slacker today...

So this week, I have been having trouble with waking up on time. On both Tuesday (when I forgot to set my alarm), and Thursday (when I turned it off), I woke up with ten minutes left to get out to the bus. So, this morning, I woke up when my alarm went off (6:30), and dutifully did not turn it off until I was sure I was awake. Then, I convinced myself that I would only stay in bed for one more minute. Well, I woke up an hour later (7:30) with five minutes to spare until the bus came.

Well, it was decision time. What should I do? My choices were:
1. Run out the door without breakfast and make the bus in time for my 8AM class.
2. Get up, and at a normal pace, get ready for school, and show up to English 15 minutes late.
3. Go back to bed until I woke up, as long as I made it in time for my psych quiz.

I chose option 3. What can I say? Sleep is beautiful.

So I got up at 9:15, had a nice leisurely breakfast, and headed to school. I arrived in English at 10. Unfortunately, the part I had hoped to miss (Going over the short story "The Yellow Wallpaper") they only started on when I arrived, so that was disappointing.

On the plus side, I was in a lovely mood all day, and feel well refreshed.

1 comment:

LynnieC said...

I am so impressed that you picked option 3. I had no idea that you were such a slacker. I love it!
I was late for work twice this week. Meh. I've discovered that at office jobs, no one cares when you get to work and as long as I'm there before my producer, nobody even notices I was missing.