Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Snores and Craziness....

No, the post title does NOT mean that I snore.

I do not as of yet have a bed frame, so I sleep with my matress on the floor. Unfortunately, the person in the apartment below me snores like mad. The first couple times it was funny- Rebekah and I got a good case of the giggles. But now it is starting to get more annoying.

So I was really sleepy this morning. I dragged myself out of bed and had breakfast. I got dressed. I made lunch. I ate lunch. Wait a second... I ate lunch?

That's right. I made myself a bagged lunch this morning, and before I realized what I was doing, I had sat down and ate it. I was on the second last bite when it dawned on me what I had just done. Then, there was no more time to make another lunch before the bus, so now I must go to Safeway and buy food.

1 comment:

LynnieC said...

You ate your lunch for breakfast? Have I ever told you how amusing you are to me?

Guess what! I get to go to New Years this year!!!!