Sunday, December 4, 2005


December 04
Questions of the day

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says: several deep scratches that scored the bruised area. "Your auntie's right, Ian;

Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? my moniter

What is the last thing you watched on TV? I watched Spiderman 2 with Rebekah and Peter

WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is: 2:30PM
Now look at the clock, what is the actual time? 2:27pm

With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Follow the Signs, Michael W Smith, but it is on my computer.... I dunno

When did you last step outside? 20 min ago what were you doing? coming home

Before you came to this website, what did you look at? i was reading other people's blogs

What are you wearing? black pants, black tank top, and Rebekah's really nice grey sweater

Did you dream last night? I don't think so...

When did you last laugh? Last night, talking about childbirth with Lindsay, Kelsey, Suzie, Rebekah, Jamie, and Jordan

What is on the walls of the room you are in? A sign that says "Get a Ride"-- long story.

Seen anything weird lately? ummm.... I dunno

What is the last film you saw? At home? Spiderman 2 In theatre? the latest Zorro movie

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first? my education

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? Everyone would care more about others than about themselves. (good answer, I'm leaving it)

Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? I dunno- I like Serenity and Anna....
what if you have a boy? I dunno....

Would you ever consider living abroad? unlikely


Anonymous said...

Boo ya for childbirth - life would suck without it, don't ya think :P


Anonymous said...

That last comment was sheer gold. I applaud you ANONYMOUS blog commenter!!!

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone being anonymous today? Weird. Still they are very clever. Although, I think the last anonymous was Mary. Or Ky. Oh... the reason I am leaving a comment. I like the name Serenity. And was Zorro 2 good?

Jen said...

Zorro 2 was FANTASTIC!!!!! Highly recommended. Lots of action, romance and wit. Yay!

Both anonymouses were Ben, AKA Benito. He enjoys blowing his own horn.