Monday, January 30, 2006

Tagged Again!

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:
Seeking Solace / Clare
Pink Cupcake
Queen of West Procrastination
I'm just plodding along

Next select five people to tag:I'll leave in PC's disclaimer: "Oooh, whilst I like being tagged, I know not everyone does. So, it'd be great if any of the following wanted to give this one a go, but please don't worry if you'd rather not."

What were you doing 10 years ago?
At this time in 1996, I was nine years old. So I was living on the acerage west of Edmonton and working on grade 4? Or is it 5??

What were you doing 1 year ago?
I was working as a youth worker, and still living at home

Five snacks you enjoy:
Chocolate anything
Cinnamon buns
Timmy's Honey Cruller
Apple Strudel
Boiled Rasin cookies

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Let's simplify it and say church songs and country songs, b/c I can't pick.

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Pay off my student loan, and then pay for my college
Buy a bed
Support a charity.. I'd have to pick one, though... that's hard.
Take a summer off and go to all the camps
Get a super nice summer home/holiday spot in Victoria.

Five bad habits:
Biting my nails
Hibernating with books
Blanking out
Staying up too late

Five things you like doing:
Spending time with loved ones
Playing stratagy/board games
Reading a good book.

Five things you would never wear again:
This huge ugly brown wool sweater
The pretty blue blouse that is too small for me
The jeans that I ripped a huge hole into last night
This dress that looks like the 80s personified
The tights I threw out this weekend for being baggy

Favourite toys:
When I was a kid, I loved dress up clothes....


Anonymous said...

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I would be 7, grade 2... lol, I remeber that class... haha, good times... hanging out with friends.. playing airplanes and james bond :)

What were you doing 1 year ago?
grade 11, 16 years... classes, homework... lol... driving around.. :)getting ready for a missions trip to mexico.

Five snacks you enjoy:
mars bar
salt and vinegar chips
bakery foods... :D

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
what if his people prayed (casting crowns)
voice of truth (casting crowns)
who am I (casting crowns)
blessed be your name (not sure)
God of wonders (not sure)

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
pay tithe
sort out a financial plan
pretend I wasn't
share some
....ok.. buy a car

Five bad habits:
keeping things to myself
acting without thinking
playing on the computer
staring at nothing

Five things you like doing:
bike riding
going to camps

Five things you would never wear again:
my old tight jeans
my old leather pants

Favourite toys:
:) uh.. teddy :D

LynnieC said...

Liam. Leather pants?
You are hereby disowned as my cousin.

Anonymous said...

Lyn, you can't disown Liam for leather pants. I mean, YOU have a leather crop top!

Anonymous said...

haha, hey! they were really loose and cool... at the time.. ;)
they were like any pants... only black leather... but I don't plan on wearing leather pants anytime soon ;)