Wednesday, February 8, 2006

I am falling behind....

So, I was sitting in my Children and Adolescents class this morning, when it suddenly dawned on me with a gasp of horror that I have three assignments due in the next week and a half, and I haven't started on any of them.

To put is mildly, "Eeek!"

So, you may ask why I am blogging instead of working.

Good question. I don't know myself.


Anonymous said...

I know that I am not the only one who knows why you aren't doing your homework and writing a blog instead. is it a family thing?

Queen of West Procrastination said...

I'm doing that right now! I guess it is a family trait.

Caleb said...

Ha! You got nothing on me. half my assignments this year are late. And the ones that are done on time are shotty jobs. I feel so lousy about my schoolwork this year. I just don't have time to do everything. And I'm not part of the family

Jen said...

Yeah, but it is just that I have rubbed off on you- perhaps a little too much. Plus, tomorrow I have a paper due that is 45% of my mark, and I have only transcribed the tape- I haven't started the questions yet. The nice thing about college though, is that you have up til midnight of the due date- e-mail! Yay!