Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I keep meaning to do this

You know, I have been meaning to make a post for ages. I had all these fantastic stories, and now that I am taking the time to write, I have discovered that I don't have any funny stories. Isn't that ironic?

Oh well, I shall just make do with what I have. Last night, Rebekah, Bryce, Grant, and I played Settlers, and Rebekah won. Which means Grant lost! And Bryce! Those two never ever lose! Yay Rebekah!

I came in second. Which means I didn't lose.

Today I led a session in the group at my work experience place. Unfortuately, it was a bit short, as I was anticipating more conversation than was actually present. But that was all right, cuz then they did their computer time too, so it all worked out.

Ooh! Super good news! I hadn't realixed that my anthro final exam was scheduled for the exact same time as Saryn's wedding. I mean, who schedules exams for a Saturday? Anyways, I would have had to miss the wedding. But yesterday I asked my teacher if we could work something out, and she was totally OK with it!! So I get to go.

That is what I get for attending college rather than university. :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

So if you got second, that means Grant and Bryce lost, as in got last and second last. Good work girls!

And I always had stats and calculus exams on Saturdays. At the U of R those math profs like to make us miserable. Glad you could work something out though.