Sunday, May 14, 2006


10 random things you may not know about me:
  • I bought a cute jacket yesterday at Army and Navy.
  • I just quit one of my jobs.
  • One of my toenails grows away from my toe, so that unless I want to snag my socks, I have almost no toenail.
  • I am missing out on an Oilers game for this.
  • I have fanatically watched Survivor all season.
  • I love babies.
  • I would love to have a ferret.
  • I am a cheapskate.
  • I think West Edmonton Mall isn't that big.
  • I have a crooked arm.

9 places I've visited:

  • Victoria, BC
  • Cranbrook, BC
  • Spokane, Washington (sort of)
  • Jasper, AB
  • North Battleford, SK
  • Regina, SK
  • Peace River, AB
  • Prince Albert, SK
  • Rosetown, SK

8 ways to win my heart:

  • Appreciate my sense of humor.
  • Be well rounded in conversation.
  • Be a gentleman to everyone, not just for me, and especially not to everybody but me.
  • Be intelligant.
  • Cuddle.
  • Smile more often than frown.
  • Make me laugh.
  • Show a genuine concern for others.

7 things I want to do before I die:

  • Finish college.
  • Fall in love and get married.
  • Go on a crazy long road trip.
  • Go overseas.
  • Get a car.
  • Have one of those fantastic granny's attic type things with hidden treasures.
  • Take dancing lessons.

6 things I'm afraid of:

  • Mice.
  • Tickets.
  • Balls. I mean the sports kind.
  • Rejection.
  • Being pushed onto the subway tracks.
  • Making a public fool of myself.

5 things I don't like:

  • Peppers.
  • Olives.
  • Chili's- terrible food, terrible service, and expensive.
  • Chips.
  • Diet anything.

4 ways to turn me off:

  • Make fun of people on the fringes of a group.
  • Being innapropriately affectionate with random people.
  • Joking gay talk.
  • Being rude.

3 things I do everyday:

  • Eat.
  • Sleep.
  • Be merry.

2 things that make me happy:

  • Ice cream.
  • Animals. Oooh! Can I have anoother?? Babies.

1 thing on my mind right now:

  • Belly gas.


Bronwyn said...

Belly gas. You are funny.

Shannon said...

You know, you are merry. I like that about you.