Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Work gunk

Well, I got a call today, and tomorrow I start my new job at Source, as a merchandiser. I will be do glad to have a routine again- I have been spending too much time with me.

In other news, yesterday I forgot to attend a staff meeting for work (my little job), as well, my paperwork is late. As such, I spent the day screening my calls and only picked up when I recognized the number. So I missed, like, 3 calls on purpose, so hopefully none of them were imprortant. I just couldn't deal with any more yapping about the people in Accounting. So what if it causes them extra trouble? They screwed me over pretty bad, why can't I screw them over a little too? I mean, if I am not delaying my pay, what incentive is there to get my paperwork in on time? I really don't like that job.

I had a funny story about the kids at the Jewish school down the street, but it is also kinda depressing, so it isn't funny to me right now. Maybe I'll tell it later when I'm in a funny mood.

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