Thursday, September 21, 2006

Why can't I do what I am supposed to do?

So on the very first day of school I was told about this assignment that I am supposed to be working on. It is a simple four page book review. I was finished the book within tow days of finding out about the project. The name of the book is Case Critical: Social Services and Social Justice in Canada by Ben Carniol. It was a really good book, good to get debate going; Ralph Klein would hate it.

So why can't I write about it? I have tried for the last four days, and can barely do anything. While trying to still be useful, I have developed an idea and done research for a reesearch paper for the same class (not due for a long time- but I love my idea- I'll be writing on special interest groups and lobbyists, and how they work, and how to best manipulate them). I also wrote an outline for a purposal I am supposed to write for group work- on a theoretical group that we want to run (mine is for teen girls with low self confidence).

But why can't I work on what I am actually supposed to do???

1 comment:

Matt said...

You had me at, "manipulating special interest groups and lobbyists"

I have little insight into procrastination/writer's block, but I'm always up for some propagan...I mean, social engineering.

Hope the assignment has come together since this post.