Wednesday, November 8, 2006

So the lady thought I was crazy

So I was on the bus yesterday...

Hmmm... it seems like most of my stories start out that way.

Anyways, I was on the bus, and there were lots of empty seats open. We stopped at this one bus stop, and these four sweet looking elderly ladies got on the bus. I assumed they were friends.

Apparently not, as the first one sat next to me and her another sat in front of her (instead of together), and the other ladies spread out as well.

Well, apparently the two near me were friends, cuz they leaned over the seats and talked to each other for the whole trip. I thought this was wierd.

Anyways, we are drawing close to where I get off. I was supposed to meet someone, and I thought I was running late. So I got out my cell phone to check, and tada! I was right on time. Those of you who know me know that I often talk to yself, so I said (very quietly) "Oh! I'm not late!"

Then the old lady next to me pauses in her conversation, turns and looks at me and says:

"Oh, you've lost it."

1 comment:

Caleb said...

well we wouldn't want her to be mislead and thing that you are sane. :D