Sunday, December 3, 2006


Here's the gist of this one. Think of a word to describe each item on the list. Or some crap like that. Come on. I'm just looking for filler, really. It doesn't have to be smart.

Yourself: Jen
Your partner: partner? what partner?
Your hair: brown
Your Mother: I miss her...
Your Father: I miss him....
Your Favorite Item: ummm... based on the amount of time I spend with it, my computer
Your dream last night: I never remember my dreams
Your Favorite Drink: water, ice, no lemon
Your Dream Car: rust pt cruiser
Your Dream Home: has a wraparound porch
The Room You Are In: my living room- a couch, a few chairs, some bookshelves, and a couple computers
Your Ex: I have an ex? This is news...
Your fear: mice and being alone in life
Where you want to be in ten years? 30... married, maybe thinking about kids, a career
Who you hung out with last night: young people's and then my sister
What You're Not: snazzy or a hoot
Muffins: muffin cups
One of Your Wish List Items: sweaters and a hot water bottle (do you know how cold it has been lately?)
Time: slipping by
The Last Thing You Did: said "What?!"
What You Are Wearing: jeans, socks, t-shirt, and a sweater that says Montreal
Your favorite weather: spring. totally spring- May, early June... perfect!
Your Favorite Book: Diana Gabaldon books
Last thing you ate: a really super chocolatey brownie at 2nd cup
Your Life: clueless
Your mood: a little bit sleepy...
Your Best Friends: I have lots of friends, but I don't know if I have a best friend
What are you thinking about right now: my lack of a best friend (thank you to whoever wrote this)
Your car: wishing I had one
What are you doing at the moment: MSNing (is that a verb) and doing this?
Your summer: lots of fun
Relationship status: single. Very single. So single it is sickening
What is on your TV: it is off
What is the weather like: really cold, but warmer than a couple days ago
When is the last time you laughed: At 2nd cup, just over an hour ago


Bronwyn said...

You are too "a hoot"!

Jen said...

Really? You think so? Ah, that makes me glad. :)