Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I cannot resist these things...

Well, OK, that is not quite true. I resisted the yummy famous boy one, but that is simply cuz I don't have crushes on enough yummy famous boys to fill it up.

My name is: Jen
I may seem: cold and reserved
People who know me think: that I am funny and slightly insane (in a good way, of course)
If you knew me you’d probably: also be slightly insane
My days are pretty: mediocore- hectic and dull at the same time. It is punctuatesd by long naps on the bus.
Yesterday: was Tuesday. What did I do? Oh, yes, I went to West Ed after practicum, and then walked.
In the morning I: Get up. Which bites.
I like to sleep: on the bus
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: dressed to kill, flirting with a boy. But since that is unlikely to happen, I'll settle for blogging.
Money: Would be nice to have some...
One thing I don’t have that I wish I did is: artistic talent
One thing I have that I wish I didn’t is: a zit.
All you need is: love. love. love.....
All I need is: for all these responsibilities to be over.
If I had one wish it would be: to... ummm... I know what I'd like to wish for, but that would be bad for me... let's say... contentment. or to have someone come over and invite me over to hang out. My door is open, people!!
If I could see one person right now it would be: I really don't know.
Something I want but I don’t really need is: a boyfriend
I live for: Is there really a right answer to this question?
I am afraid of: mice
It makes me angry when: people pick on others who are more vulnerable than them
I dream about: I don't remember
I daydream about: utopias- not world peace- personal utopias.

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