Monday, April 24, 2006

School's Out For Summer

I have been singing that song since I got home earlier today. It was very enjoyable. A great deal of stress is off of my mind. Now I just have to go about finding a job....

I have two interviews tomorrow- on at The Gap and the other at PJs Pets. I turned down a job at Bryan's today. I just felt like it was a place where I would not be comfortable, and that it wouldn't be good for my self esteem. Tomorrow I also have my first session with my personal trainer at the gym. Today I also worked on May Long stuff. If you are reading this and have not registered for May Long yet, e-mail me and let me know what your plans are for it!!!

So even though I am out of school, I am not completely useless. Just poor.


Bronwyn said...

Good luck with the job hunt. I am sure you will find something great. And I hope the trainer thing goes really well - that would be awesome! I won't see you at MayLong, but I hope you have fun.

Jen said...

Aww... why not?