Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Report

So I was told to fess up on how it went, so here you go:

Well, we alctually had a lot of fun. The film on whales was really really nice. I learned a lot, and it was so magestic. We whispered comments during the movie, so it totally wasn't awkward at all. The film only lasted 40 minutes, so afterwards we went to Timmie's, and had a bite to eat and chatted for another 40 minutes, and had fun trading stories and laughing. Then he dropped me off at home, and it totally wasn't awkward at all. I had a nice, fun, relaxing time, just as I'd hoped.

Then the text messages started.

Incidentally, why must conversations like this needs be via test message? It costs me 25 cents apiece! What is wrong with in person?

So first of all he thanked me for going out and said he'd had fun, and said next time we should make it a 'real date.'

So I ran over to Julia's and was like "He paid! What's the difference between tonight and a real date?" She suggested asking him that, so I did.

The answer was longer than a 40 minute movie and a night out on the town.

So... I dithered for a few minutes, but decided that I am less interested than he is, and he isn't a Christan, and I would be a terribly unloyal and unaffectionate girlfriend, as I like other people more, and would ditch him for one of them, and don't even want to hold his hand.

And as two dates leads to three, which leads to four.....

I texted back that I had lots of fun, and would like to hang out again, but only as friends, as I need a Christan boyfriend.

And it has been an hour, and no more texts.

It was so much fun! Why did it have to get awkward??

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