Thursday, June 9, 2005

I am such a copycat....

Since I must needs give credit where credit is due, I stole this idea from the "Life of Turner" blog. The origanal will doubtless be much more entertaining than the copycat. So here is the life of Jen by Numbers:

10 000- in dollars, the amount of money I need for school and living expences next year.
1500- in dollars, the amount of money I actually currently possess. (How does that work?)
4- The number of real (by real I mean more than a two day favor) jobs I've had in my lifetime.
2- The number of the aforementioned jobs that have been in libraries.
2- The number of th aforementioned jobs that have been with kids.
2- The number of times I've been on TV
4- The number of phone numbers I have possessed (including cells).
3- The number of places I've lived (One was acctually an in-between-houses place)
80- My grade 12 average. (I believe).
8- The number of kids I currently work with.
6- The number of kids I will be working with this summer.
66- The lowest mark received in high school (once).
88- The highest mark received in high school (twice).
3- The number of times I've been to Victoria.
4- The number of times I've been to the USA.
1- The number of places I've been to in the USA.
0- Times I've been further east than Saskatchewan.
12- CDs I own.
1- CD I've given away.
19- The number of years I have resided on the planet Earth.
4- Weddings I've been to in my life.
Tons- Funerals I've been to in my life.
1- Concerts I've been to. (For interest's sake, it was Starfield.)(I enjoyed it.)
10- in dollars, the amount of money I made to go to the concert. (I drove.)
15- in months. How much older I am than my sister.
27- Items in my wallet.
1- Number of times I've stayed overnight in the hospital. (When I was born.)
4- Number of times I've gone to the emergancy room.
2- Number of crooked limbs on my body. (For interest's sake, arm and finger.)
5- Number of scars on my hands.
5- Number of glasses I have worn.
6- The grade I was in when I first received glasses.
2- High school graduations attended.
1- Grad dress sewn for others.
0- Grad dresses sewn for myself.
10- Number of cold toes I currently possess.
4- Numbers of the above I know will change by September.
9- Numbers of the above I hope will change by September.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Actually, I now own 13 CDs. I didn't even buy it and break my no-unnecessary-expenditures policy. Thank you Rachel.

Instead, tomorrow, I will break my policy on a haircut. Goodbye long hair.